Adding and editing dashboards

Dashboards are the spaces where the different graphs and data visualizations of the selected asset are shown. In this space we will explain how to:


The dashboards you add must have been previously created in tools such as Grafana or AWM.

Open dashboard editing window

In case the asset has no dashboard yet, you will see this message:

The selected asset has no dashboard yet


The message will appear along with the "Add the first one now" link. Click it to begin editing your asset's dashboards:


In case the asset already has dashboards, you will see the content from the first dashboard on the screen:


This icon is located at the top, next to the dashboards selector. Click on it to start editing your asset's dashboards:


A modal window opens where you can view and edit the dashboards that have already been added (if any) or add new ones.


Add dashboards

Click on the "+ Add dashboard" button. You can also click on the "+" icons located on the right side:


At the end of the list, fields will be created for you to add the information of your new dashboard. If you click on any of the "+" icons, the fields will be created at that position:


It's mandatory to give a name to your new dashboard. There cannot be two dashboards with the same name on the same asset, so if you add an existing name, an error message will appear for you to change it:


It's also mandatory to fill in the URL field, where you must enter the link of the dashboard you want to include. It must be a dashboard that you have previously created, for example in Grafana or AWM:

The url you include must start with "https://" and to add it correctly it will be validated to include any of the following combinations:

  • **

  • **

  • **

  • **


  • awm-.**


You can also use the following variables to make it easier for you to add your dashboards:

  • [ASSET_ID] → the variable will be replaced by the asset ID.

  • [PROJECT_ID] → the variable will be replaced by the project ID.

Example of full url: =61850f9955ad9b4800e40657&var-assetId=61976ed246888a6f4645e9c8

Example of url with variables:[PROJECT_ID]&var-assetId=[ASSET_ID]


Sort dashboards

The order in which your dashboards appear in this creation list will be the same as the order in which they appear in the asset selector in the "Status" section. The dashboard that appears at the top of the list will be the one that appears by default when you select your asset.

Puedes reordenar en todo momento tus dashboards posicionando el cursor sobre el icono de 3 líneas que se encuentra en su extremo izquierdo y arrastrarlo hacia la nueva posición que desees que ocupe:

You can reorder your dashboards at any time by positioning the cursor over the 3-line icon on the left side of and dragging it to the new position you want it to occupy:


Delete dashboards

You can delete any dashboard by clicking on the trash can icon on the right side of each dashboard:


Save and view dashboards

Once you have your asset edition ready and all the necessary fields filled in, click on "Save":


The modal window will close and you will be able to view the first dashboard you have added:


By clicking on the dashboard selector you can switch to display the one you need. As you can see, the order of the dashboards in the selector is the same as the one you defined in the edition window:

Edit dashboards

You can edit any Grafana dashboard by clicking on the title of the panel you want to modify., and then selecting the “Edit” option.

In the panel editor, you can update all the elements of a visualization including the data source, queries, time range, and visualization display options.

Below, It will outline the sections of the panel editor:

  • Visualization preview: It display the result of data processing within the specified time range and the display options. Also, you can see the result as a table view, this view only contains the raw data, without any transformations you might have applied to the data.

  • Data section: It contains tabs where you enter queries.

  • Panel display options: It contains tabs where you configure almost every aspect of your data visualization.