Asset tree

The Asset Tree View is available in the Status section:

This tree tree navigation is the result of what the admin user configures in the Assets section when building his digital twin. So the levels, hierarchies, and number of assets it contains will depend on what he builds there.

It allows you to navigate through the assets of your digital twin, to consult, monitor, or analyze the data and visualizations displayed in their dashboards.

The asset tree navigation displays additional visual information about the health status and alarms of your asset. To the left of each asset name, there is an icon indicating:

Example of asset tree with different health statuses and unrecognized alarm icons

Health status

The different health status colors indicate:

  • Grey: Alarms aren't configured in the asset, so its health status cannot be calculated. Alarms can be configured in Alarms section clicking in "+ New alarm" button.

  • Green: All is OK, i.e. there are no active alarms on either the asset.

  • Pink: There are one or more active alarms with low severity in the asset and this is the worst asset alarms severity*

  • Yellow: There are one or more active alarms with medium severity in the asset and this is the worst asset alarms severity*

  • Orange: There are one or more active alarms with high severity in the asset and this is the worst asset alarms severity*

  • Red: There are one or more active alarms with critical severity in the asset and this is the worst asset alarms severity*


The health status is inherited from children to parents, of course counting the asset itself. So if, for example, within an asset called "Plant 1" there is another asset called "Area 1" and within it there is another one called "Engine 1", if that "Engine 1" has the orange icon (because it has an active high severity alarm), both "Area 1" and "Plant 1" will inherit the orange color, even if that alarm is not directly theirs.


* If there are several active alerts of different severities for one asset, the color of the highest severity will always be taken. That is, if "Engine 1" has 2 pink alarms (low severity), one orange (high severity) and one red (critical severity), the icon will be red. Likewise, if "Area 1" has several engine children and their states are one red, another yellow and the others are green, both "Area 1" and "Plant 1" will be red (the worst severity of the 5 engines).


Not recognized alarms

Regarding the shape of the icon:

  • Circle: indicates that the asset (or its children) has no alarm with pending recognition.

  • Triangle with exclamation mark: There are alarms with pending recognition in the asset or/and in one of its children.

Like the health status (indicated by the color), the alarms with pending recognition are also inherited from children to parents. So, for example, if within an asset called "Plant 1" there is another asset called "Area 1" and within the latter there is another one called "Engine 1", if this last one has alarms with pending recognition, both "Area 1" and "Plant 1" will inherit the triangle icon, even if the alarms are not directly theirs.


By clicking on the triangle icon, you will navigate to the alarm history page with filters applied so that you can view alarms corresponding to your asset.