Give feedback on alarms

The Alarm history lists all alarms that have been triggered. In this list, in addition to finding all the information and details of each of the alarms, you can also give feedback on them.

The "Alarm history" is located in the "Data analysis" block of the main menu.


You can give feedback on an individual alarm or select more than one to give feedback on a group of alarms of the same asset.

In order to give feedback on one or more alarms, you must first recognize them.

Give feedback on a single alarm

In the image below you can see the Alarm history with the list of all alarms that have been activated. Those alarms that correspond to the selected time range are shown.

In the last column, we can see information about the user interaction with the alarm. You can give feedback on all those alarms that have the "Feedack" button active:


This column can have 3 different states:

  1. Recognize. The first status that all alarms go through is " Not recognized", so the " Recognize" button is displayed for you or another user to click on it if you want to recognize the alarm. By recognizing it you are marking that alarm as "seen".

  2. Feedback. In order to give feedback on an alarm, you must first recognize it. Once you do so, the " Recognize" button will be replaced by the "Feedback" button.

  3. “Double tick" icon”. This icon shows that the alarm has been recognized and that, in addition, feedback has been given on it.


Although an alarm has already been recognized and has associated feedback, it may revert back to the first "Not recognized" status. This will happen if the alarm goes to a higher severity. For this reason, the same alarm can have several recognitions and several feedbacks. If this is the case, the clock icon shown in the following image will appear:


By clicking on the clock icon you will be able to see the details of each user who has acknowledged or sent feedback on that alarm. As well as the date on which they have done so.


Give feedback on several alarms

To give feedback on a group of alarms of the same asset, select them using the selection fields in the first column. When you have done so, the "Add feedback" button at the top of the list will be displayed:


Form to send feedback

Whether you click on the "Feedback" button of an individual alarm, or select several alarms of the same asset and click on the "Add feedback" button, a form will open with all the necessary information for you to send us your feedback. The fields that are not mandatory are marked with the word "optional".


At the top you will see a drop-down section in which, if you open it, you will see a summary of those alerts on which you are sending feedback:


The first question you are asked in the form is whether the alert or group of alerts that have been triggered and on which you are giving feedback are correct or not.

Depending on what you answer, the form will have different fields to fill in.


If you leave the "Yes" option, which appears by default in the question "Were the alerts correct?", you will see the following fields in the form:

Failure mode

The first field you have to fill in is the one that identifies the failure mode. Open the selector and choose from the options listed. If the failure mode you detected does not appear in the list or you are not sure what to select, choose the "Undetermined" option. And in the description or recommendation field below you can give us more details to help us identify the failure.



This field is optional. You can choose from the components that appear in the list or add a new one if you need to and it does not appear among the options.


To add a new one, type in the text field the name of the component you need to add. You will see the text you are typing appear in the list followed by the "+ add" button, type the full name of the component and when you are done, click on the button to add it to the selection:


Failure severity

In order to send your feedback it is necessary that you indicate the severity to which you relate the failure you are reporting. If you are not sure you can select the "Unknown" option.


Time range

These fields are to add the start and end date. By default, the start and end dates of the alert on which you are sending the feedback are added, but you can modify them. In case it is a group of alerts, as start date the date of the one that has been triggered before is added and as end date the date corresponding to the one that has ended last. If any of the alert(s) remains active, the end date will be left empty.



Optional field in which you can provide us with any additional information or more detailed description about the failure you have detected.



The recommendation is also optional. This field is for:

  1. In case the failure is still active, please indicate any recommendation you think is relevant to solve it.

  2. In case the failure has already been solved, you can indicate how it was solved as a recommendation for future similar failures.


In the clock icon on the top right of the recommendation field you can click and see a list of previous recommendations that you or other users have given for that failure mode. If the icon is disabled and you cannot click on it, it's because there are no previous recommendations to display yet.


Related images

If you have any image(s) related to the alarm(s) and the detected failure you can add them in this block. You can add a maximum of 5 images that fulfill the allowed format and file size (.png or .jpg with a maximum of 5MB).



In case you select the "No" option of the question "Were the alerts correct?", you will only see the following fields:

  1. Reason why they’re not correct. You can select among the reasons that appear in the list.

  2. Description. Optional field in which you can indicate any additional information or more detailed description about why the alert(s) are not correct.

  3. Related images. If you have any related image(s) you can add them in this block. You can add a maximum of 5 images that comply with the allowed file format and size (.png or .jpg with a maximum of 5MB).