Apply template to assets

The purpose of a template is to apply it on assets in order to generate massively and automatically all flows, operations and/or alarms. This avoids the need to make configurations asset by asset.

So it is important to select the assets for the template to be applied.

This list of assets can be added and edited in any of the 3 different states of the template:


Edit the assets list in the template draft

IMPORTANT: You can add the assets you want to the template from the draft, but it will not be applied to them until you publish the template.


En la parte superior derecha del borrador de la plantilla aparece la información de los activos que se han añadido para que se les aplique la plantilla. En el caso de la imagen de abajo, aún no se ha añadido ninguno.

At the top right of the template draft, you can see the information of the assets that have been added to apply the template to them. In the example image below, none have been added yet.

Information on the assets to which the template applies. In this example you can see that none have been added yet.

The information of the added assets is composed of 3 elements:

  • Text indicating the number of assets added

  • Icon "i" to view the list of added assets

  • Pencil icon to enter the list edition


By clicking on the "i" icon, the list of assets that have been added is displayed. In this first example we can see that none has been added yet, therefore the following message appears:


To start adding assets, you can click on the pencil icon next to the "i" icon or on the "Edit list" button in the added assets information pop-up window:


A pop-up window will open where you can consult and edit the added assets. In this first case there are none yet, so click on the "Add assets" button:


A second window will open showing all the assets you have in your assets inventory. If any of these assets have already been added to the template, it will appear already selected in the list.


You can use the filters at the top of the list to search by asset name or filter by asset type:


An asset cannot be linked to more than one template, so in case there are assets in the list that are currently linked to another template, the name of that template will be shown. However you can select them and the link will not change to the new template until the new template is published.


Select all the assets you want to add to the list of assets to which the template will be applied and then click on the "Add asset(s)" button:


After clicking the button, you will return to the previous window where you can now see all the assets you have added:


When you click on the "Save" button, the pop-up window will close and you will be able to see the draft template again. In the information of the assets to which the template applies, you will see that the number has been updated:


By placing the cursor over the "i" you will be able to consult the list of assets added and to which the template will be applied:


You can edit the list at any time by clicking on the pencil icon or on the "Edit list" button that appears in the asset list.


Edit the assets list during the publication process

IMPORTANT: You can publish a template without adding assets to apply it to. However, there are some blocks in the template that require you to have assets in the list in order to fill them.


Whether or not you have assets added to the list, you can start the publishing process by clicking on the "PUBLISH" button located at the top right of the draft.


If you have not yet added any assets, the list will be empty. You can publish the draft without adding any assets, as you will be able to do it later from the published version of the template. If you do not want to add assets in this step, click on "PUBLISH", if you want to add assets, click on "Add assets".


In case assets have already been added from the draft, they will be displayed in the list.

If you are satisfied with the list of assets, you can publish the template by clicking on "PUBLISH". You can also add more assets by clicking on the "+ Add assets" button or, if needed, you can also remove some of the asset(s) from the list by clicking on the "X" button corresponding to the one you want to remove.


Once you have clicked on the "PUBLISH" button, a message will appear confirming that the template has been published. From that moment on, the template will be applied to the assets you have added.


Edit the assets list in the published version of the template

IMPORTANT: Even if the template is published, you can continue to add or remove assets linked to it.


As in the draft, the top right hand side of the published version of the template shows the information of the assets that have been added to apply the template on.

You can consult the list by clicking on the "i" icon.


If you need to edit the list click on the pencil icon. A pop-up window will open with the assets to which the template is currently applied.

If you want to add more assets click on the "+ Add assets" button or, if needed, you can also remove some of the asset(s) from the list by clicking on the "X" button corresponding to the one you want to remove.

At any time you can undo the changes by clicking "Cancel", which will close the window without saving any changes made to the list.


To save the changes made to the list, click "Next". Another pop-up window will open showing you all the changes you have made:


If you are not happy with the changes you can click "Cancel" and no changes will be saved.

If you are satisfied with the changes, click on "PUBLISH" to save the changes.


You will see a message confirming that the template has been published. From that moment on, the template will be applied following the changes you have made in the list.