Add and configure components

Add and configure components

Adding components to your template is optional.

Add components

If you have not yet added any, you will see the message "You have not yet created any components". Click on the "Create the first one now" link.


In case there are already components, you can continue adding the ones you need by clicking on any of the "+" icons, depending on the position you want to add it them:


A pop-up window will open where you can select the type of component you need to create:


When you click next, the pop-up window will close and you will be able to see your new component in the draft, as well as its configuration in the bottom panel.


You can add more components by clicking on any of the "+" icons depending on the position where you want to include them until you add all the components you need.


If you have a component selected, you will see its configuration in the bottom panel. If so, both the component and its configuration are marked with a blue border. If you want to access the configuration of any other component, just click on it.


If you want to go back to the template settings, click on the "Back to template info" button located on the left side of the configuration panel:


Configure components

In the configuration panel of each component you will see the following tabs:

General Information & Measurement Source

There are two blocks in this tab:

  1. General information

  2. Measurement source



In this block you can include the following details of your component:

  • Name. This field is automatically filled in with the name of the component type, but you can change it if you need to. There cannot be more than one component with the same name, so if you add more components of the same type, we will use the type followed by the corresponding number to generate the names.

  • Manufacturer. You can select from the manufacturers in the list or add a new one if you need it.

  • Model. This field will only be enabled if you select the manufacturer. Once activated, you can select from the models in the list or add a new one.



If you need to configure this block you must have previously added at least one sensor in the "Processing tree" block of the template information. In case you do not have it configured you will see the following message:


Once you have the processing tree set up, you can view and select the measurement sources if you need to:


Bearings & Characteristic Frequencies

Tab available on all components, except for the "Gearbox" type.

There are two blocks in this tab:

  1. Bearings

  2. Characteristic frequencies



If you do not have any bearings added yet, the following message will appear:


To start adding bearings click on the "add" button, which will open the form for the creation of your bearing:


Once you have clicked the "Save" button on the form, you will see the new bearing added to the list of bearings:


You can edit or delete each of the bearings by clicking on the 3-dot icon on the right corner of each element:



If you do not have any characteristic frequencies added yet, the following message will appear:


To start adding frequencies click on the "add" button, which will open the form to create it:


Once you have clicked the "Save" button on the form, you will see the new frequency added to the list of characteristic frequencies:


You can edit or delete each of the frequencies by clicking on the 3-dot icon on the right corner of each element:


Kinematic configuration

This tab is only available for components of type "Gearbox".


If you do not yet have any stage added to your gearbox, the following message will appear:


Click on the "Add the first one now" link to add your first gear stage. This will open a pop-up window with the form to create it. To add it you need to give it a name (this name is unique, so if you add more later, they will have to have a different one) and select the type of stage you want to create.

The "Planetary stage" type is selected by default:


If you change to the "Parallel Stage" type, the fields of the form will change with those needed to create it:


Once you have clicked the "Save" button, the pop-up window will close and you will be able to see the stage you have just added:


You can continue adding the stages you need by clicking on the "+" icons at the top of each stage depending on the position you want to add them.


If you want to edit the information of any of the stages, just place the cursor over it and by clicking on it you will be able to modify its value. You can also delete the stage by clicking on the trash can icon at the top, next to the stage name:


You can also add bearings or characteristic frequencies to each stage. To do so, click on the "+" icon of the corresponding stage and block:


If you add a bearing, a pop-up window will open with the form for its creation:


If you add a characteristic frequency, a pop-up window will open with the form for its creation:


When you create new bearings and/or characteristic frequencies to your stages, you will see them added in the corresponding block. If you wish to edit or delete any of them, click on the corresponding 3-dot icon and you will access the menu with the options to do so:


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