Alarm history

In the Alarm history you can review all alarms that have been triggered.

You can access it from the left sidebar menu:


In this page we explain how to consult and interact with this history and with each of the elements that compose it:


Alarms list

In the alarm history list you can review all alarms that have been triggered:


Each alarm has the following information:

  • Alarm severity, the color of the circle indicates the maximum severity reached during the time the alarm remains active:

    • Pink → low

    • Yellow → medium

    • Orange → high

    • Red → critical

  • Asset, name of the asset associated to the alarm.

  • Property, name of the property associated to the alarm.

  • Op. status, name of the operational status associated to the alarm.

  • Set, name of the set associated to the alarm.

  • Condition met to trigger the alarm.

  • Start, the date and hour when the alarm was triggered.

  • Finished, the date and hour when the alarm was finished, in case the alarm is still active, the tag “ACTIVE“ is displayed instead.

  • Recognize Button, for recognize or give feedback to the alarm.

  • 3-dot button, to open the secondary menu and access the options to view the alarm detail and edit the alarm configuration.


Filter and search alarms

Last year's alarms are shown by default, but this can be changed by selecting another date range in the calendar filter at the top right:


You can search for alarms in the history using the search field located at the top right of the list. This search takes into account both the assets and alarms names:


You can access the other available filters by clicking on the icon next to the date selector:


The icon will open a panel where you can choose the filters you want to apply:

  • General filters affect all DATA ANALYSIS sections, which means that when applied they not only filter on the Alarm history list, but also on the Status and Feedback sections.

  • Specific filters are only applied on the section you are in, in this case, the Alarm history section.


Alarm detail

There are two ways to access the details of an alarm.

  1. By clicking directly on the alarm you want to open: 


  2. By clicking on the 3-dot icon and selecting the "View information" option from the menu:



A modal window will open with the alarm details. On the left side will appear the line chart with the evolution of the alarm and on the right side all its information.


Alarm evolution chart

The line chart shows all the historical values that the alarm has had during the whole period of time it has been active. If it remains active, the chart will be updated periodically with the new values.


The chart contains information that can be useful for analyzing changes in values and severity during the life of the alarm. Each part of the alarm detail is explained below:

  1. Alarm evolution chart. It contains the following information:

    1. Vertical axis with the scale of values as well as the unit of measurement. If no unit of measurement appears, it’s because it hasn't been defined.

    2. Horizontal axis with the dates

    3. Color bar that clearly indicates the severity of the alarm at any given time. These severities are those defined in the alarm configuration intervals.

    4. White line that indicates the value of the alarm at each moment.

    5. Horizontal lines indicating the limits of the alarm thresholds. These thresholds are the ones that have been defined (together with the severity and condition of each one) in the alarm configuration intervals. There will be as many lines as thresholds have been defined.

    6. Green dashed vertical lines indicating the time at which the alarm has been recognized. Whenever the alarm has a change of severity the alarm can be recognized again, so there may be several of these lines. By hovering the mouse over the top icon of the line, a tootlip will be displayed with the email address of the person who recognize the alarm, as well as the date.

  2. Labels with the detail of all the conditions defined to trigger the alarm with the severity defined for each threshold. These conditions are the ones defined together with the severity of each threshold in the alarm configuration intervals.

  3. Number of repetitions. Number of consecutive measurements above the threshold necessary to activate the alarm.


Alarm information

This block shows all the information related to the alarm: the asset, the property, the operational status, the set and the condition that triggered the alarm, as well as the time range in which it has been or was active. In addition, at the bottom of the block, you can see two tabs with the history of recognitions and feedbacks that have been given on the alarm.