Create an alarm

You can create a new alarm by clicking on the "+ New alarm" button:


Once you have clicked on the button, a panel with the alarm creation wizard will open.

Basic Information

Give a descriptive name to your alarm to indentify it, and select the asset and the dynamic property that will generate that alarm. 

Only one alarm can be created for each asset property. Asset properties that already have an alarm do not appear in the "Property" selector list.


Configure alarm intervals 

Alarm sets allow you to group conditions and intervals for the alarm to be triggered.

Add sets

Select the "Set your alarm intervals" tab. You will see that by default there is no alarm set created; click on "Add the first one now":


Set 1 is created and you must configure it to save the alarm. To do this, you must select the operational status, if you activate it, and set at least one alarm interval.


You can rename the set by clicking on its name and typing the new one you want to give it:


You can save your alarm with only one set or you can add as many as you need by clicking on the "Add set" button:


Each time you add a new set, as with the first set, you must select the operational status, if you have activated it, and set at least one alarm interval.


You can delete any of the sets by clicking on the 3-dot button and selecting the "Delete set" option.


Operational status

You can choose to apply the operational status as a precondition that must be met in order to activate your alarm intervals..

The switch for activating the operational status selection in your sets is turned off by default.

To be able to activate the operational status it's necessary that the asset you have selected (in the basic information) has a template applied in which these statuses have been previously configured. If this is not the case, this option will be disabled.


If you turn on the switch, you will see that a selector is added to each of your sets, allowing you to choose the operating status that you want to serve as a precondition for the alarm intervals that you configure to be activated.


The first status in the list is selected by default, but you can change it to the one you need.


Interval configuration

Here you can configure the different intervals at which your alarm will be triggered. Add as many as you need and configure the severity, condition and values you want to apply. You can also add a small description or label that will serve to identify it.  

It is necessary to create and configure at least one interval in order to save the alarm


Number of repetitions

You can also optionally add the number of repetitions. It must be equal to or greater than 1.

What you indicate with this value is the number of consecutive measurements above the threshold necessary to trigger the alarm.


Once you have configured your alarm, click on “Save”.