Feedback history

Any feedback added by you or any other user is stored in the Feedback History. You can access it from the left sidebar menu:


In this page we explain how to consult and interact with this history and with each of the elements that compose it:


Feedback timeline and list

The feedback history is formed by two parts that will allow you to consult all the submitted feedback:

  1. Feedback timeline. It's located at the top of the screen; in it you can consult, sorted by asset and in a timeline, all those feedbacks that have been given in the time range indicated in the date fields of the top bar (by default the last year is shown).

  2. List of feedbacks. In this list you will find the same feedbacks shown in the timeline, but in this case sorted chronologically. Each of the items in the list provides you with information about each of these feedbacks as a summary. If you click on any of them you will have access to its detail.

In this image we can see how in the upper half of the screen is the feedback timeline
and in the lower half the same feedbacks are shown, but in a list format.


 The timeline can be hidden in case you need more space on the screen to view the list more comfortably. Simply click on the top of the timeline to open/close it whenever you need to.


You can also use the filters explained below to display only the information you need both in the timeline and in the list.


All the assets with associated feedback are listed in alphabetical order in the left column of the timeline. If there are more than 10, you will see the pagination at the bottom of the graph, so that you can switch pages to see the rest of the assets:


In the row of each asset you can see two things:

  1. Top bar where the actual alarms that have been triggered are marked. The length they occupy corresponds to their time period (alarm start/end) and the color is their severity. If several alarms overlap in time, the bar will be painted in the color of the highest severity. The sections where the bar is gray in color are because there were no alarms in that time range.

  2. Dialogue bubbles that indicate the added feedbacks. The length of each bubble indicates its time range and the color its severity, both of which correspond to what was indicated when the feedback was given. As for the bubbles that have no color, but a gray border and an "X", they indicate feedbacks of alarms that were marked as "incorrect".

Having these two elements visible on the timeline helps to compare the feedback given with the actual alarms, so that, at a glance, it is easy to locate in which parts of the time there may have been some error in the duration or severity of the different alarms that have been triggered.


Each of the assets has a right arrow to show/hide the given feedbacks separated by failure mode.


Filter feedback

You can filter both the timeline and the list either by using the transversal filters or by interacting with the timeline.

Transversal filters

These filters are transversal, since they are applied to all sections of the DATA ANALYSIS block, that is, to the Status, Alarms history and Feedback history sections.

At the upper right side of the top bar is the date selector. By default, the last year is selected, but you can modify it so that both the timeline and the list of feedbacks show those corresponding to the desired date range.


You can access the other available filters by clicking on the icon next to the date selector:


After clicking on the icon, a panel will open where you will be able to choose all the filters you want to apply:


Filtering from the timeline

You can filter the feedbacks of a single asset by clicking on its name in the timeline. This will cause only the feedbacks corresponding to that asset to be displayed in the list:


You can also filter the feedbacks of one of the failure modes of an asset by clicking on its name in the timeline. This will cause only the feedbacks corresponding to the selected failure mode of that asset to be displayed in the list:


Also, within the failure modes, you can click on the feedback bubbles to filter them in the list. If you hold down the "Ctrl" key, you can select several feedbacks at the same time.


In any of the above cases, to clear the filtering and show again all the elements in the list, it is necessary to click on the "Clear selection" button located in the upper right corner of the timeline.



Feedback detail

From the list, you can click on any of the feedbacks to see its detail.


A modal window will open with all the information regarding the feedback. In addition to viewing this information, you will be able to edit or complete it if necessary.


In the first block you will see the "FEEDBACK INFORMATION", this corresponds to the same fields that had to be filled in the form when the feedback was sent. If you need to edit any field, click on the "Edit information" button and the edit mode will be activated.


Below the feedback information is the "IMAGES" block. If images were added when giving feedback, you will find them in this space, and you can add more, if needed, by clicking on the "Add image" button. You can add a maximum of 5 images in .png or .jpg format and each one up to 5MB.


Besides adding new images, you can also access the menu for each of them to delete it, replace it, download it or view it in its original size.


Below the images is the "COMMENTS" block. Here you can write any additional comments, as well as consult previous comments, whether written by you or by other users.


At the top right-hand side of the window is the "FEEDBACK STATUS" selector. When a feedback is added, it is automatically marked as "Awaiting analysis". You can change/evolve this status to the one you need.


Debajo del estado del feedback se encuetra un bloque con dos pestañas. En la primera pestaña puedes consultar la información del activo, en caso de ser un feedback sobre un activo, o la información del activo y la(s) alarma(s) relacionada(s), en caso de ser un feedback sobre una o varias alarmas.

Below the feedback status there is a block with two tabs. In the first tab you can consult the asset information, in case of feedback about an asset, or the asset and the related alarm(s) information, in case of feedback related to one or several alarms.



In the second tab you can see the history of the feedback you are consulting. When and who created it, as well as the info of the different updates that have been made on it.