Layout view

This view allows you to relate visually the assets that are part of the same hierarchical level (the one created in the tree view) to each other.

Here you can also add a background image. The purpose of the layout is to offer you the possibility of creating a view in which you can spatially and visually relate the assets to each other, to get closer to the reality of your assets in the physical world.

For example, if in your asset tree you have placed within your asset "Plant 1" the different areas that are part of that plant, you have the possibility to include within the "Plant 1" level an image of the floor plan or an isometric projection of that plant and spatially position each area where it corresponds.

Positioning example of the different assets within "Plant 1" on a background image representing this plant.


Navigate between asset levels

If you want to change an asset to a different level, you can do this from the tree view.

If you have not yet arranged your assets hierarchically in the tree view, they will all appear in the layout at the main and, in this case, single level. Also, if you have not yet given a position to each asset in the layout, they will all appear overlapping each other in the upper left corner.

If you already have a hierarchical asset tree, when you switch to the layout view you will find only the assets that are part of the main level, i.e. the parent assets. And you will be able to navigate within each of these assets, either to see the assets it contains or to create new ones.

In the asset information, in addition to its name and its asset type icon, you can also see the number of assets it contains. If it contains none, the text "0 assets" will be displayed.

Each asset shows its name, its asset type icon and the number of assets in its inner level.

To navigate within an asset, click on the 3-dot button on its right side and select the option "-> Go to asset".


As you go to that asset, in this example to the one named "Area 1", you will see the 6 assets that are within it. You will also see that the navigation menu on the left side of the top bar has changed, indicating the level you are in and allowing you to go back to previous levels.


Positioning assets

If you have not yet given a position to each asset in the layout, they will all appear overlapping each other in the upper left corner.

To change the position of an asset, simply place the mouse over it and click to drag and move it to the new position you want.

You can simply give it a position in relation to the layout and the other assets or you can add an image and give it a position relative to it.


Add a background image

To add an image click on the icon in the upper left corner:

After clicking a window will open to select the image you want to upload from your computer:


Once you have selected the image, a preview of the image will be displayed. You can replace it if you need or click on "Save" to add it to the layout.


Clicking on "Save" will add the image in the center of the layout and you will be able to position your assets on it.


If you want to delete or replace the image, you can re-enter the window by clicking again on the icon in the upper left corner:


The image added to the layout respects the proportions and size of the original you have added from your computer. At the moment it's not possible to change the size on the platform, so if you want to modify it, you will have to do it with an external tool and click again on the button to replace it.


Connecting assets to each other

The layout view also allows you to connect assets to visually relate them to each other. This can be useful for example to visually represent a process or the order of a production line.

Each asset has an output point (the blue point on the right side) and an input point (the blue point on the left side). To connect two assets, position the mouse on the output point of one of the assets and drag it to the input point of any other one, as shown in the video:


If you want to delete any of the connections, place the mouse in the middle of the line you want to delete and the "X" icon will appear. Clicking on it will delete the connection.



Puedes cambiar el estilo de la línea haciendo clic sobre ella. Esto te permitirá seleccionar, por ejemplo, una línea punteada o mostrar una flecha en el extremo.


Search assets

You can search for a specific asset using the search field located at the right side of the top bar.


A list of the search results will appear. In it you can see the name of the assets that match the text you have entered and, below each asset, the path to the level where it is located.


Clicking on the asset of your choice will take you inside the asset so that you can consult what is inside it or perform the actions you need (create new assets, add a background image, connect your assets together, etc.).