Inventory of project assets

Inventory of project assets

The order and hierarchy in which the assets will appear depends on the one given in the asset tree in the web platform.


Once you enter to the Assets section you will see the assets that are part of the first level of your project. If there are assets within each of them (child assets), you will see an arrow on its right-hand side, allowing you to navigate to access them.

Assets inventory


Each asset has the following information:


  1. Asset type. The type to which that asset belongs, e.g. plant, area, electric motor, compressor, etc.

  2. Asset status. At the left side of the name there is a circle with the color that reflects the asset's health status:

    • Grey: Alarms are not configured, so their health status cannot be calculated.

    • Green: Everything is OK, that is, there are no active alarms on any of the assets.

    • Pink: There are one or more low severity alarms on the asset and/or its child assets and this is the worst severity of those alarms*.

    • Yellow: There are one or more medium severity alarms on the asset and/or its child assets and this is the worst severity of those alarms*.

    • Orange: There are one or more high severity alarms on the asset and/or its child assets and this is the worst severity of such alarms*.

    • Red: There are one or more critical severity alarms on the asset and/or its child assets and this is the worst severity of those alarms*.

  3. Asset name.

  4. Information about its child assets. If there are assets within it, the type and number are indicated.

  5. Non-recognized alerts. Information on the number of non-recognized alerts (if any).

  6. Access to its assets. If there are assets within it (child assets), the arrow icon will appear to access them. If there are no child assets, the icon will not appear.

  7. Access to asset information. Tapping the "View asset" button, you can enter to consult all its information.


Navigation between assets

When you go to the "Assets" section, you will see those assets that belong to the first level of your project. If any of these assets have child assets, below their name you will see the asset number and type information. To access them, tap on the arrow icon on the right-hand side.


If we tap on the arrow icon of the asset "Plant 1" in the image above, we will open the next level where we can see the detail of each of its child assets:


The header changes and shows the name of the asset we are in (in this case "Plant 1"), as well as the "View asset" button that allows us to enter from this screen also to the detail of the "Plant 1" asset. In addition, below the search engine, breadcrumbs appear, which show the route we have followed when navigating within the assets, so that we can return to any of the previous hierarchies. In this case, as we have only advanced 1 level, the text "Floor 1" will be shown.


As you navigate through the different assets, the breadcrumbs will start to show you the previous levels so that you can tap to go back to any of them. You can also return to the previous screen with the arrow icon in the top left corner of the header.


In the example below, we can see that we can no longer navigate to lower levels, as the assets "ABB Engine" and "Fan_XB_65" do not have child assets and therefore do not have the icons that would allow us to navigate within them.


Search assets

You can use the search field below the header to find specific assets. Regardless of the level you are at, the search will be performed on the entire asset inventory of your project.


Searches are made based on::

  • Asset name

  • Asset type

For the search to be performed, you must include at least 3 characters. When this is done, the results of your search will be displayed:


Each search result consists of:

  1. Asset type

  2. Asset status

  3. Asset name

  4. The path of the level where it is located. That is, information on the assets within which it is located.

  5. Access to the file information. By pressing the arrow icon or any other of the elements of that asset, you will be able to access its information in detail.

Filter assets

 To filter your assets, tap on the icon:

This will open a panel with the filters you can apply:

  • Asset type. You can filter based on one or several types of asset.

  • Assets. Filter your inventory based on a specific asset or assets.

  • Properties. Filter based on one or several properties of your assets.


Once you have selected your filters, click "Apply filters" to see the results.


Filtering respects order and hierarchy, so once you have applied the filter, only those assets at that level that comply with the filtering or contain assets that comply with the filtering will be displayed. For example, by applying the filters in the example screenshot above, only assets of type "Compressor" or "Fan", or containing child assets of either of these two types, will be shown:


To clear the applied filters, tap on the icon again to open the filters panel. Press "Clear filters" and then "Apply filters".



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