Request advice

Request advice

If you need any kind of consultancy or advice on any of the Grupo Álava products, do not hesitate to contact us through our Help Center:


Once you enter the Help Center you can submit a request, clicking on the button as seen on the image:

And selecting the 'Request advice' option:


This will open a form with the information we need to know in order to help you. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Product Category. You can choose between the different Grupo Álava products. If the request is about MonoM platform, please select the 'MonoM' option. If your request does not correspond to one of our products in particular or you are not sure what to select, you can choose the 'Other' option.

Product subcategory. This field is optional, but you can specify us if the support you need is about a software or a hardware issue.

Priority. Please select the priority of your request based on the following information:

  • Low:

  • Medium:

  • High:

  • Urgent:

Summary and description. Please write in the summary a brief and concrete title that summarizes your request. In the description you can add a more detailed explanation.

Attachments. This field is optional, but here you can add some files or screenshots that help us undestand what you need.


Once you send us your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.

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