Alerts notifications

By default, your asset alert notifications are disabled. In order to start receiving notifications, access the Alerts Notifications option in the user menu located on the upper right side of the top bar:

Choose the option "Alert notifications".


A modal window will open where you can configure all your notifications.


In the left block you will find the menu to select between your different projects. The configuration of the project you are in at the moment of opening the modal will open, but you can select any other project to configure its notifications too.


By default notifications are disabled. Click on the switch if you want to activate them:


Once activated, you can configure your notifications by the channel in which you wish to receive notifications of your assets, as well as by the severity from which these notifications will be sent.


By default the "LOW" severity is selected, which means that you will receive notifications every time an alert is triggered for any of your assets with any severity. If, for example, you select the "HIGH" severity, you will only receive notifications for alerts with high or critical severity.


The above configurations apply to all the assets of your project, if you wish to customize the alerts of any of your asset(s) you can do it from the exceptions block, by clicking on the "+ add" button.


A modal window will open for you to configure the exception:


The first thing you have to do is to select the asset to which you want to add the exception. You can select several assets if their exception configuration is the same (assets that already have exceptions will not appear in the list).

IMPORTANT: If the selected asset(s) do not have alarms configured, you will not receive notifications even if you activate them.


Now click on the "+ add" button of the channel / media where you want to add the exception.


By default the exception will be added with notifications disabled. This exception will overwrite the general configuration, i.e., even if in the general configuration the notifications for that channel are enabled, if you add the exception as in the example below, you will not receive email notifications for those two assets.


If you enable notifications, you can select the severity from which you want to receive notifications for the selected assets. In the case of the example below, the exception added in the "EMAIL" sending media will overwrite the general configuration and will make you receive notifications for the two selected assets only if a critical alert is triggered.


In order to save your exception, click on "Add" and you will return to the window with the general notification settings. In the "Exceptions" block, you will see that the exceptions you have configured have been added. For each of the assets you have selected in the configuration, an exception will be added, so you can edit them individually if you need to.


In the example below we can see several configured exceptions. Below the column of each channel/sending medium, the added exception is summarized.

Using the above image as an example, we will explain the summary of the exceptions.

For "Asset 1" and "Asset 4":
It has been specified to receive alerts (in both channels) starting from medium severity, overwriting the general configuration where it's indicated to receive notifications starting from low severity.

For " Motor_01_mo_ABB" and "Motor_02_mo_ABB":

  1. EMAIL channel: It has been set to receive notifications with critical severity.

  2. MOBILE Channel: No exception has been added, so the column appears empty, and the general configuration will be applied, which indicates that notifications will be received starting from low severity.

For "Plant 1" and "Plant 2":

  1. EMAIL Channel: It has been defined that notifications will be received starting from high severity.

  2. MOBILE Channel: An exception has been added with deactivated notifications (indicated by the bell icon with the crossed line and in gray color), so no notifications will be received from these assets.


You can delete or edit the exceptions of any of your assets through the menu that appears by clicking on the 3-dot icon on the right side of each one.