Create a complex property

Complex dynamic properties not only allow you to link the measurements that arrive to the platform in form of feeds with the asset to which they correspond, but through them you can perform operations between feeds or other properties created in the asset, as well as apply algorithms to them that allow you to create more complex properties to exploit your data and help you to better understand your asset.

A complex property is composed of 3 parts:

  1. Input(s)

  2. Operator

  3. Output(s)

To start creating a complex dynamic property of an asset, you first have to access the "Data Flows" section and create a draft or enter a created draft on the asset you want.

If the asset doesn't yet have a draft, click on the "+ Create" button.


If the asset has a draft, click on the pencil icon to access it.


Once inside the draft, click on "+ New data flow". 


After clicking on the button, a window will open to select the type of dynamic property. Select the "Complex Properties" option and click "Next":


In the window that opens, the first thing to do is to select the group in which you want to include the direct property or properties you are going to create. If there is no group created you can create it from the same selector by clicking on "Create new group".


To create a new group you only need to give it a name:

Next, you have to select at least one feed or property.

In the feeds tab all feeds of the asset are displayed by default, but you can filter them by data source:


You can also use the search bar, which performs the search by taking into account both the name of the feeds and their data source:


The properties tab will show all the properties available in your asset, both direct and complex. The list will be empty if you have not created any property yet.

The properties in the list can be filtered using the search bar:


Once you have selected all the feeds and/or properties you need click "Next".


You will see that the group has been created with the name you chose. The feeds/properties you selected appear in the INPUT column. The feeds are always in blue and the properties in green.


In order to complete the creation of our property, it is necessary to add at least one operator and one output, this output will result in the complex dynamic property.

To add the operator, click on the "+" button in the OPERATORS column.


First a window will open to choose the operator type:


Once you click next, the window to configure the operator you have selected will be displayed. Once you have finished configuring your operator, click "Save":


The operator will appear in the middle column, where it is indicated by small light blue circles:

  • On the left side the number of inputs it needs

  • On the right side the outputs to which it can be connected


Now we can connect the inputs to the operator; to do this click and drag from the light blue circle of each feed and drop it on the script input you want to connect it to:


Once we have connected our two inputs to the operator, it will look like this:


In order to finish creating the complex dynamic property it is necessary to add an output. To do so, click on the "+" button in the OUTPUTS column:


To create the output, it's only necessary to add a name.
IMPORTANT: This name is the one that the dynamic property will have.

Optionally you can give other characteristics to the property, such as assigning a magnitude/unit.


After clicking on "Save", the output will appear in the OUTPUTS column:


The last step is to connect the operator to the output; to do this click and drag from the light blue circle on the right side of the output and drop it on the the output circle. 


When connected, the output turns from gray to green, indicating that the complex dynamic property has been created correctly and that everything is well connected.

You can create properties from data flows as complex as you need, since, for example, you can connect algorithms to each other or reuse the resulting direct or compex properties as inputs, as shown in the image: 


IMPORTANT: To be able to make use of the properties you have created or modified, you must make sure to publish the draft you are working on.