Organizations and projects

The configuration of organizations and projects available within each of them is done by the MonoM team.


The top level of a MonoM customer account is the organization. An account can have one or several organizations. And, in turn, an organization can contain one or several projects.

Only users with the required permissions can have access to the top level of an organization's administration. Likewise, only users who have been invited to a project will have access to it. Access permissions to organizations and projects are managed from the Users management module.


The selector located below the MonoM logo, in the right lateral menu, indicates the organization or project you are in. Using this selector you can navigate to the project you want or access the administration of the organizations, as long as you have the required permissions.

In the example of the image below, we would be inside the "MonoM demo" project, which is part of the "MonoM Lab" organization, as can be seen in the drop-down menu of the selector.

In the selector of this image we can see 2 organizations, each one with its own projects. You will only be able to see the projects you have been invited to.


If you have permission to access the administration area of an organization, you will see a gear icon next to its name in the selector menu:

Icon for accessing the administration area of an organization